april showers, bring may flowers...
ok. ok. i know its almost june. sorry for the late may issue, but i still have some great little nuggets to share with you...
Ok...come on now! I think this is one of my favorite items I have found so far! SO PRESH! I can't wait til my babes gets a little older, because she will def be getting one of these! Its designed in France, beautiful wooden play kitchen by Djeco. This little cooker also comes with adorable accessories!
⋅ 1 pot lid
⋅ 1 dish cloth
⋅ 1 salt shaker
⋅ 1 pepper shaker
⋅ 2 pots
⋅ 2 cooking utensils
Everything you need for a good wooden meal! Yummy!
If you have a summer baby and want to get outside, this is such a unique tool to have! Its a sunscreen sling! This wrap is made with Raylosan technology, which helps create the sunscreen fabric. Think of the Rayosan™ process as an invisible dye. It acts like a mirror and will deflect the harmful UVA and UVB rays off the fabric. These rays are bounced back and prevented from going through the fabric and harming baby’s delicate skin. Although it is a chemical process, it was tested and passed the certification process, which ensures us that it was tested for harmful substances - and passed. We share It is an environmentally sound processes and you can rest assured that the product you have will not harm you or your child. The only thing is the dye is considered to be durable for the life or the garment, but will start to gradually wash out after 30 washes or so.
These shoes are perfect for your beginner walkers, or if you just want to know what your little one is up to!! There is no more sneaky sneakerson for them! They have adorable shoes to choose from...OF COURSE the girlie girl selection is better then boys...but what do you expect...us girls have a shoe fetish and it starts early. So there. Love them. Also they donate 5% of their sales to Half The Sky (nuturing care for China's orphaned children) & The Luekemia & Lymphoma Society. Love them more. Now go get some shoes and be a good-doer.
Need I say more? Its Mr. T! On a onesie! This is a must have. This is made by a designer named Bambinamia and is available on the Etsy website! You can get in a onsie or a t-shirt, just be specific when you order. Bravo! We heart.
happy earth day...
Here are some great things to keep you GREEN...
Stubby Pencil Studio
Great online store for eco-friendly products. They have a lot of great things from toys, art supplies, do-it-yourself kits, birthday party favors, etc. This cute jungle backpack for your kids is durable, eco-coated, cotton backpacks made with an acrylic (not plastic or PVC) coating that makes them permanently water and soil resistant. Easy to wipe clean or machine wash, they have adjustable straps, a sturdy zipper, a loop for hanging, and are roomy inside. Choose from Flora Blue, Hybrid Cars, or Jungle...This is one of the items that was my fave, but I have more. You should definitely check out their other products! You can't go wrong being eco-aware!
Click here to go to the Stubby Pencil Studio site
Start recyling at your home! Your lil babes will appreciate it in the future! You can start by labeling trash cans in your house for recylcing products! Here are some recycling decals to get you started!! You get 9 circle decals and you can choose your background color, and the arrows are white. They are about 3 inches wide/tall & custom sizes and amounts are available! Teach your tot to be earth friendly!
Neat Solutions - Table topper
Ok Ok...I can't tell you how much I love the products of this company. I use the table topper the most! It is such a saver when you go to a restaurant and you want to be able to use the table to feed your child. It has adheasive strips on the top and the bottom so you can easily apply it to the table! I do have to say, my little one likes to pull it off when she is done, but for the most part it is sticky enough to keep it on druing meal time! The BIG PLUS is the placemats and packaging is bio-degradable and eco-friendly! Don't worry, it won't bio-degrade until you dispose of the item...so the shelf life is never a concern! WE LOVE THIS PRODUCT!! They have more products that I think you will love too - changing table covers, disposable bibs, etc. They are availabe at Babies R Us, Target, and other local vendors.
Check Neat Solutions out here!
We are on Twitter now..so make sure you check it out!
{a tot blog}
FOR THE BABES...is your guide to many scrumptious and unique items. my name is jenn and i'm a city momma that likes to find new & interesting things for my tot (& myself).
im a designer, a momma, a wife, a recycler, a friend, and a blogger extraordinaire, who in the beginning started this blog to share with friends.
now i am happy to share with you, yer tots, parents of tots, friends of parents with tots, & anything tot related.
{everyone is a tot inside}
im not big-time. I just like to write this little diddy in my s p a r e moments. i hope you enjoy!